How You Can Score

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IGCSE is an essential test to determine if a student is qualified to proceed to A-Level. Therefore, scoring in IGCSE is important as this has a lot to say what a student could specialize in A-Level.

Contrary to mass believe, scoring in IGCSE is in fact possible and doable (quite smoothly once you have got all needed ‘bullets’ to shoot ;)). Like any other things that we do, if we have got the right tools and know the right way to do it, we can accomplish them extremely well with confidence. So, what are the right tools and right way for scoring A/A* in IGCSE?

There are TWO essential tools you need to score A/A* in your IGCSE.

1. Right materials

When we talk about right materials, it means reference books, course books, workbooks and teaching materials that are fully endorsed by the examination board. All the materials are written based on the current syllabus, either by examiners or experienced teachers. In this way, you may find lots of exam tips, analyzes on exam papers, and tips on how to score in particular subjects.

Click HERE to find all the right materials to help you in scoring A/A*.

2. Right coaching

Getting advices and coaching from the right teachers / tutors are extremely important. There is an ancient Chinese proverb, “If the upper pillar is not straight, the lower pillar will be crooked”.

This shows how important it is to get the right teachers and tutors for coaching. They are the one that will either ‘get you there’ or ‘no where’. When you are hiring a teacher / tutor, you must consider all these essential qualities:

  • He/She must be familiar with the current IGCSE syllabus.
  • He/She must be using the right materials (not using Cambridge books for Edexcel exam, or vice versa).
  • He/She must have positive vibes that always encourages students (not giving negative comments to build fear in students when students didn’t do well in practices).
  • He/She is committed to guide you through the exam, and making you A/A*.
  • He/She is passionate in teaching and proactive.

For enquiring quality teachers/private tutors, please click HERE.

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